This is a short, but important post. Forgiveness..... one of the hardest things people have to do. Forgiveness is where you let go of...
Geeking Out on Yarn
Geeking Out on Yarn does custom crochet items for you. They make hats, blankets, shoes, scarves and more. My daughter has the pleasure of...
My weight loss journey Jan. 2015 - March 2015
Jan 5th. I started a challenge group for Insanity max 30! I was pumped. I was excited. I thought I could do this. Then c-diff got worse...
C-diff happened....
About a month and a half after giving birth, I started getting sick. Diahrea, puking, stomach pains and tiredness. My doctor and I...
Judging People is an epidemic...
I asked people to give me some topics to write about and my friend Cindy gave me an amazing one. She told me to write about people...
"How to Catch a Prince" by Rachel Hauck
I joined a wonderful Street Team for Rachel Hauck, whom I was a big fan of, and I got to read this wonderful story. "How to Catch a...
Budgeting Finances
Budgeting your finances is a complicated subject to get into. Everyone has a different way or wanting to find a better one. I am not here...
Cloth Diapering
When I became pregnant, I knew I wanted to cloth diaper my child. One it would save money and two it would be good for the environment. I...
When I decided to change my life...
I decided to change me life, when I found out I was pregnant with my amazing daughter. I started eating better, moving around more...