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When I decided to change my life...

I decided to change me life, when I found out I was pregnant with my amazing daughter. I started eating better, moving around more (walking everywhere) and making our home ready for her. I only gained 14lbs during the pregnancy. I was "obese" at 180lbs and 5'1" before pregnancy. I was told not to gain too much. Max to gain was 25lbs. I made sure I didn't get close. I drank 4 bottles of water a day and had morning sickness, infections, and heartburn. I made it through it though. Gave birth to my daughter when she was between 34-35 weeks. She was 7lbs, 20inches. She has a hole in her heart and a broken clavicle, which both are going to heal/close up on their own. She was really jaundice and took her a month to get rid of it. Since I was medically cleared, I work out 3-5 days a week and eat as healthy as I can. I am down the full 14lbs (basically by giving birth) and down another 8lbs. I ended up with c-diff after a couple misdiagnosis' and I pump mainly and try to breastfeed, which both contribute to some of my weight loss. Life is a journey and I am slowly making changes to make mine better and longer.

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