This is a short, but important post. Forgiveness..... one of the hardest things people have to do. Forgiveness is where you let go of whatever happened or was said and move on. It isn't changing how you feel about a person, which is what most people have the trouble with, it is just getting past the situation and living your life. I have had trouble forgiving people in the past. I still do, but you know what? I eventually forgive them. I don't have to get along with, like or even be friends with these people. I just have to get to a point in my heart and my head that lets me move on and, even better, learn from it. There are people who take advantage of me, lie about me, say horrible things to my face (or behind my back) and some that do something to people that I love and care about. I want to wish all those people well and let them know that I forgive them. Letting go makes a weight come off your shoulders and for you and I to move on with our lives with one less stress. Let things go and move on.....