C-diff happened....
About a month and a half after giving birth, I started getting sick. Diahrea, puking, stomach pains and tiredness. My doctor and I thought it was the flu, but when it hit 3 weeks, we had to rethink. We came up with ulcers. I was put on heartburn meds and nasuea meds. I was supposed to wait 2 weeks to see how they worked. Well let's just say it didn't work what so ever. I couldn't lift my arms to take care of my child, I couldn't eat to stay strong and I couldn't hold down any meds. I ended up in the er. This is when it was determined by blood work and stool sample that I have/had c-diff. This is a bacterial infection in the colon/intestines that is caught in a hospital/Dr. Office and caused when you have used antibiotics for a period of time. (I used antibiotics most of the end of my pregnacy for UTI and bladdar infections.) I have/had a severe case and they were talking about a posssible stool transplant (yes sounds as gross as it would have been). It almost go to that point. Took my first 14 days of meds and it got mostly better, but the stomach pains started. So, went back to the dr and got more meds. Stronger meds.. Next day or so, ended up in er, then the next day ended up in the er. Got tested and my c-diff was gone, but my intestines were inflammed and I was having bad reactions to the new meds. They wanted to keep me on them til I went to the doctor in 5 days, but I couldn't do it. I took my meds part of the next day and felt like death. I had both my mother in laws take my daughter for a night each. I couldn't take care of her. I needed rest like no other. I slept for almost a full 2 days. When I awoke, I was still off, but I was alive and feeling a lot better. It is something I never want to experience again, but guess what? I am now 20% more likely to get it again, just by having it the first time. This is what I had/have been dealing with the past few months and why I wasn't 100% into working out or heck even eating. I was so down because I couldn't take care of my child. I had a breakdown a couple times and didn't want anyone to see how weak I was. My husband was home as much as he could be considering we didn't have a car and he had to work. He did his best to let me rest while he was home. I appreciate all the support online I got, plus from my husband. I don't know what I would have done without you. Fingers crossed I never get it again, or if I do that we catch it early.