Cloth Diapering
When I became pregnant, I knew I wanted to cloth diaper my child. One it would save money and two it would be good for the environment. I had to start my research and boy was I overwhelmed. So many options and what you could and couldn't do. I was on overload.
I decided I will do it my way (which some people do). I choose Pocket One Size Diapers. These are Diapers with a pocket and they come with 1-2 inserts. It saves on drying time and easy to use. I can stuff them with any inserts I want. Even ones I have made.
You will see everywhere that one brand is better than the other. I don't care. I want cheap. Who doesn't. I went on and found Baby brand and Alva Baby brand for between $35-60 for 6 diapers and 1-2 inserts each. That's a great deal. It is even better if you have Amazon Prime. It is a money saver with all the perks you get. is also another great place. I got 9 diapers and a small wet bad, barely used for $45 with shipping included.
Laundry Detergent is another big things people want you to buy special for cloth diapers. Don't! I use homemade detergent and it works great. All my detergent is Shaved Zote, Arm and Hammer Washing Soda and Borax.
Put parts 1 cup Borax, 1 cup Washing Soda and 1/4-1/2 cup of shaved Zote. What I did was add the whole box of Zote and kept doing 1 cup of the others til one of the boxes ran out. I have a 5 gallon bucket and it made about 3 gallons. I use 1-3 Tbsps. per load. Thats it. It is also for HE washers (which is what I have). If you do wash Cloth Diapers, I always use 3.
Another problem you will get confused about is how to wash them. Don't get crazy over it. Here is what I do:
If new: Wash on normal cycle 2-3 times and then dry. They are ready to go. Hang Dry Covers and Use Dryer for Inserts.
If used: You can strip them, but I only do if they are in bad shape. Just wash once first and dry.
If Dirty: If you have the option do a pre-soak, heavy duty cycle. I also put on Energy Saver Mode. Then hang dry covers and dry rest in Dryer on Heavy Duty. (P.S. I wash the diapers with all other dirty baby items, including wet bag.)
I only wash every two days, three if we don't use so many diapers. Try not to go more than 3 days without washing. I have a small wet bag and and x-large wet bag. Small is if we go to store or something and x-large is for being gone awhile, plus daily use.
Cloth wipes are also good to use with just a spray bottle of water. They are easily made from fleece burp rags and other similar materials.
Now just a side note. I do use disposable at night or if going to the doctor. I got a lot at baby shower. Believe me having some on hand can be handy.
Another note is some baby clothes wont fit. If may be tight in the butt area, because cloth diapers are bulkier than disposables.
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Bigger booty!
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Cloth Wipes made by friends
When I first started my stash. It is now twice as big.